
Friday, September 21, 2007

Stay at home Mom...

A few signs I've observed about myself this week that point toward the new role of 'stay at home mom'. Maybe these are normal for you but they are new for me, especially all in one week:

* grocery shopping in the middle of the day
* Eliot stayed in his pj's all day until bath before bed
* I used the crockpot for dinner
* while grocery shopping in the middle of the day, I noticed that I've become the shopper that no one will stand behind in line until I'm almost checked out. My cart is too full.
* Most showers happen after 11 am, sometimes as late as 2 pm, sometimes not at all
* My house should be cleaner but in fact, it's gotten messier.
* I'm obsessed with the small appliances in the kitchen: the rice cooker, the quesadilla maker, the waffle maker, the coffee maker, the toaster, the tea maker, and the crock pot. Is that weird?

Obviously, nothing too deep this morning. Have a great weekend!

I'll leave you with a pic from this week of my silly child who's obsessed with putting on shoes..


  1. I'm right there with you! And I would add "only wearing shorts and tee-shirts and the hair up in a poneytail every day". But it's so much fun to be home and see them grow, no? I just love Eliot and his big shoes! :)

  2. are those YOUR running shoes?!

  3. He probably likes his daddy's shoes more than his own.

  4. Small kitchen appliances make the stay at home mom's life!!! Let me tell you, if I could pray to my coffee pot and crock pot I would. Grocery shopping in the middle of the day is such a gift- less noise, less poeple... I could go on and on. PJ's are a way of life over here. Heck, Maddox will stay in his all day and get clean ones before bed that night, just to wear them all day the next day. I'm so glad you get to be a stay at home mom, enjoy every minute of it!

  5. Oh this was a "Make my friend Melissa feel better" post...Yeah, for good friends! Your "real-ness" is my favorite! I could identify, identify, identify!
    ...and we just have one child?? What does that mean?? Where are those joker hats????

  6. Katie - Your mom just sent me your blog page. I was up in Michigan a few weeks ago and I was asking her about you guys. She said you were doing great!. I love your web page and Eliot is adorable.

  7. If I have a shower,a cup of coffee,and breakfast by noon I am doing good. If I make it through one day without a leaking diaper that I forgot about I am doing great.If I go grocery shopping with myself and everybody clean and dressed and get home with no leaking diapers I have accomplished my goals for the month!!! I love being a SAHM even if it means I only shave my legs once every 2 weeks and wash my hair once a week!!Eliot is adorable as always!

  8. It only gets more interesting as you add more to your tribe! My 2 year old is sitting on the floor, pajama-fied eating TWO suckers...yes, I love being a SAHM, too!

  9. OK, LOVE the shoes. Ummm.... I didn't get out of the shower until 12:45 today, so yes, I can relate! I want to go to the grocery store too!!!

  10. I thought I was the only one whose house was worse instead of better! Check out the FlyLady-, I think (if you care enough and I'm wrong, I'll look it up!)

  11. You used your crock pot?! That's something I have yet to do after 3 years of marriage....I guess I'll have to wait until we have kids, huh? Miss you guys!

  12. You just described my life perfectly! Excpet we stay in the jammies until Mark calls to say he's on his way, then we throw on "real" clothes and do that crazy clean the house in 5 minutes thing. Did you know you can have ice cream for lunch if it has nuts in it, because nuts have protein. Have a great day!

