If you hadn't heard, two weeks ago we had to put our sweet Daisy down. She wasn't quite at her best the last six months or so and it got progressively worse over the last month. As anyone does, we went round and round on when/what to do. I won't go into details here but she made it pretty clear she was miserable.
I need to scan some puppy pics of her when we got her 12 years ago. She was a one-year wedding anniversary present we gifted ourselves in '99. Other than that first year, she's been apart of every single aspect of our married lives. It's an adjustment to move forward without her.
The timing was perfect that Eliot started Kindergarten just a couple days later, a perfect distraction. He brings her up every so often and says he's sad but he's doing okay. We bought the book "Dog Heaven" as another way for him to understand what's going on.
A couple days after she died he did ask if she died on the cross. Um...no. That's just Jesus.
My favorite thing about her was that she was oddly compassionate. As you know if you've read this blog for any amount of time, we've gone through a lot in those 12 years with fertility and adoption drama. Every time something would go wrong, Daisy wouldn't leave my side. Especially when I miscarried, she was a permanent attachment, a constant comfort.
Daisy was the perfect dog. She may have eaten through drywall, several couches, a door, etc, rolled in poop more times than I can remember and barked a lot, but she was perfect. She put up with a lot and was as loyal as can be. She is missed dearly and we're thankful we got to be hers.