Let's start by sharing that R was out of town for this holiday, which isn't a big deal. I got over that whole must-celebrate-holidays-on-the-exact-day-or-our-marriage-is-over thing a long time ago. So, that being said, you may find it odd that I was awoken on Valentines Day to someone singing
John Legend's Good Morning love song to me. It was our aspiring Latin Lover. "I'm a little tea pot" is so last season, he prefers grammy award winners in his 'almost 3yrs old' maturity.
The first thing on our agenda for the day was a funeral. We received word that our next door neighbor from our old house had passed away last week. (Jessa, sorry you had to hear it this way) He was an elderly man with health complications who had been declaring his likely end for months. He wasn't really a favorite in the neighborhood but we liked him. Eliot especially liked him and would stand on our front porch and yell to him almost daily. They had a cute friendship. He's also the man that when we moved in 5 years ago hobbled over to our house with a freshly baked apple pie and said, "Don't worry, there aren't any razors in it."
I'm sorry, did you say raisins? Oh, no,
razors. m-kay.
After attending the catholic funeral (performed in Latin, of course) I felt that we needed some kind of pick-me-up. Visions of sugar plums were dancing in my head. Well, maybe not sugar plums but
marshmallow lollipops sounded fun and yummy.
I set it all up and we got started on our quest to make the perfect goodies for our new neighbors and a few for ourselves. Unfortunately, after some lollipop casualties, one of us got fired for some health code violations and repeated aggressive activities.

And since R was out of town I emailed a few friends to let them know I was going to be chillin that night with some cookie dough and a great chic flick after E went to bed. Only one of my friends could make it, one that I've only met a couple times before but asked if she could bring a friend. That new friend happened to be really into vampire movies and brought several with her. So, instead of a chic flick, we all munched on some popcorn and watched a classic vampire movie, laughing at our randomness.
A perfect ending to a perfect day.