*Wow, friends, I'm tired. This whole newborn thing is 12 kinds of exhausting. Big D has been here a month already. That's a month of constantly disrupted sleep. And for some *awesome* reason, I chose now to train for a half marathon. I'm pretty sure I heard about some military training where they constantly wake troops up and make them perform physical tasks in order to train their bodies and I'm pretty sure I am voluntarily doing the mommy version of that. Why? Why?
*No news on his case. No news is good news. With Gary Gnews. (anyone?)
*"Big" D had his 2 month appt (yes, awhile ago) and he's a peanut, you guys. He wasn't even on the percentile chart. We're beefin' him up though. Those cheeks are getting chubbier and more chewable by the day.
*One of the first questions we always get is how Eliot is doing as a big brother. I have a whole post dedicated to that very question. Don't expect it for about 6 years, but it's there in the ol' drafts, trust me.
*We've been s.p.o.i.l.e.d. over the last few weeks with friends bringing meals over. Which is super handy since I keep putting things in weird places. And, no, the milk doesn't go in the tupperware cabinet. Nice try.
*I had like 4 other updates to throw on here but I can't remember what they were. Um...you guys are the best and still love us in spite of my sleepy stupor.