"Good morning, son"
That identity became official today.
We walked into the court room and sat in the seats provided. The lawyers and judge did their usual spiel. We answered when appropriate, we listened when appropriate.
I could feel it coming. Like a wedding day when you're waiting for those specific words that bind you forever.
Everyone had done their assigned roles. It was coming. The judge paused.
"I have one more question."
I sat up a little straighter.
"Eliot, what do you think about this?" Eliot turned around, shyly not answering the judge.
"Eliot, is Dez a good little brother?" Still nothing.
"Well, do you want to keep him?" Eliot turned quickly back around to her and said, "YES!"
"Well, in that case, this adoption is final."
It didn't take more than 20 minutes to change our lives.

Fuzzy but hilarious. (Kinda like all three boys in my house?)
"There is not a more poignant picture of the gospel than adoption. Today the court ordered that Desmond now has a new name, and the full rights of a natural born son - including our protection, provision and even an inheritance. Thank you, Jesus." --Russ's fb status.

Tears are welling up in my eyes I am so happy for your beautiful family!!!
I am OFFICIALLY a mess...and OFFICIALLY an AUNT of TWO!!!! The only thing that would have made this day better was if I could have been there to kiss on those cheeks!!
Congrats! What a beautiful family. Praise God!
So beautiful!!!
Congrats and praise God, indeed!
Congratulations on boy number two! Could they be any more adorable? Nope.
Congratulations!! So happy for you!!! He is a very handsome addition to your family :-)
Yay! Congrats!!!
This brought tears to my eyes. I remember a while back you posted something along the lines of that you were going to love this baby like he'd be with you forever and that his placing would be permanent. I remember thinking that the Lord would honor such strong faith. God is good :)
Fabulous. Congratulations. Couldn't be happier for you guys.
How can anyone not have tears?? My heart is full for your family - congratulations to all of you. Desmond has no idea yet how much God has blessed him.
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