Thursday, July 19, 2012

Eliot turned 6! (a couple months ago...)

Eliot's birthday happen to fall during our trip to Guatemala this year. So, for his birthday we brought him to his homeland with 20 sorority girls and let him ride horseback up an active volcano.(yes, the same volcano that kept us there last trip...)

Go big or go home.

His actual b-day started at &Cafe, then we headed to one of our ministry sites to freshen up the paint, which he was happy to help with...
"The World's Greatest Brownie" happens to be baked at a restaurant next to our hotel and one of our Baylor girls happens to love being a weirdo to people on their birthday.

A couple days later, we took the team to hike Volcano Pacaya. Russ and I have both been several times but have never taken Eliot. We decided he could handle it, since he's so very old and mature now. We also knew they offered "taxi" service for a small fee. Win/win.
Our guide took us to this spot in the volcano where you can actually climb into this small hole and it's crazy hot inside. Like a mini-sauna. Check that off the to-do list?

Happy birthday, Flyin' Mayan!

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