Overnight we accumulated 8 inches of snow!! Eliot LOVES it! We stole the idea of a basket sled from the Hansels and the Cross's. Eliot was delighted until he kept tipping over! He also loved digging for branches for Daisy and watching Sammie spaz around the backyard. Fun Fun Fun!
Bucket sled, what a great idea!!! Had I thought of that Maddox could have gone out with the boys. Oh, wait, that would mean I would have had to go out... Never mind, he and I were much happier inside making hot chocolate and cookies.
I just wanna squeeze his face. When you've finished having fun in the snow could you send some our way, there's another Mayan waiting to see her first snow :o)
I so wish I could be up there playing in the snow with Eliot!!!!
He looks like he was having the time of his life.
That looks cold ... but alot of fun !!
Just stop it! He just keeps getting cuter all the time. Stop letting him grow up!
Bucket sled, what a great idea!!! Had I thought of that Maddox could have gone out with the boys. Oh, wait, that would mean I would have had to go out... Never mind, he and I were much happier inside making hot chocolate and cookies.
isn't snow so much better when you have kids?? we got about 10 inches and the girls are also going crazy!!!
I just wanna squeeze his face. When you've finished having fun in the snow could you send some our way, there's another Mayan waiting to see her first snow :o)
Hey Morhs! Love your blog. What a beautiful family.
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