A true double-take occurred today. We took E-beast to the doctor for his 2-year wellness. Everything looked great, he's developing great, etc. He was silly and giggly with her, showing off some skills and being pretty dang cute. Then she asked to see his teeth which he proudly showed her and then stuck his tongue out like she asked to which she said she was checking for his 2 YEAR MOLARS! What????!!! Noone said anything about more teeth in the near future! Where have I been? I thought we were clear for a few years! Eliot is/ has been such an easy baby/kid unless he's teething. How has no one mentioned this yet? I read a gazillion blogs of people who have toddlers and no one has made any reference to this! Can someone clue me in here? Are they not as bad as the first molars?

The great news is that I'm done teaching! I couldn't be happier about it! My joy manifests itself in little ways. For example, after the doctor appt today, Eliot wanted to show me the "2" on our license plate so we took a few minutes to talk about each of the letters instead of the usual "eliot, hurry up, we have to ..." that is the norm.
Now it's time to clean my house. And I mean clean the house. It's been low on the priority list for the last several months and it shows. Yikes.
Also, blogging is now higher on the list! I should update on a more regular basis now that school isn't sucking all my time and energy! So many posts have been started and are just sitting there waiting for some attention! Thanks to all who have stuck around! Have a great day!
I hate to tell you, but Bennett's 2 year molars were tough. However, Luke's weren't so bad, so maybe you'll get lucky!
I don't get it either with the teeth. I thought they just had one molar on each side for a while too.
I haven't seen any two-year molars yet with Cora, so I guess they're coming later? They're full of surprises those kids....
Congrats on being done teaching!
What adorable pics!! We have 2 Yorkies at our house. :)
They get more teeth????? News to me.
I'll stick around katie mohr mohr... as long as the pics keep on comin. I miss you and E and well I guess rusty roo too... :-)
Love, Allie D.
I didn't even realize it when Keegan and Keeley cut their 2 year molars. :) Hopefully it will as easy for you - oops, I mean be easy for Eliot. :)
I think molars depend on the kids...we hardly even noticed when Jackson's came in, but his doctor warned me that that isn't always the norm!
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