1. Eliot has gone on the potty twice this week! Sorry, no pictures.
2. We moved Eliot's mattress to the floor as phase 1 of moving to the toddler bed. He's quite the active sleeper so a friend recommended starting w/ the mattress on the floor. We were also told to keep the crib available in case playing w/ toys becomes too much to handle. So far, this whole experience is entertaining to say the least. The first nap time on Monday he did great, not even getting up when he woke up but calling for me instead and then asking if he could get down. Then Monday night Russ and I were watching TV and heard a thud. By the time I got to his room and opened the door Eliot was in a confused daze on his knees searching for the bed but was across the room. As a very concerned mother I, of course, started laughing at his confused look. We put him back in bed and checked on him two more times throughout the night. At both times he was halfway out of bed again. Last night we heard another thud and when I went in, he was 100% asleep in a quilt cocoon on the floor. Good thing his mattress in only about 5 inches thick.

3. Eliot has started galloping. We're not sure where he picked it up but it's his new form of transportation. Also included in galloping: jazz hands. Hmmmm.
4. After months of trying to teach him to ride his tricycle more than one pedal rotation, something clicked yesterday! He's unstoppable now. It's also a new way to torture Daisy!

Ignore the 'old man track suit' as Russ calls it...
Oh my...Eliot is a genius!! He's the coolest kid ever!
Good job Eliot!!! We watched your video many many times and Gabi still wanted more.
I have to agree with Laura!!!
I laughed and laughed that he kept saying "I stuck"...and then riding with his head down. We are seriously gonna have to work on the watching where you are going thing.
One thing that has worked for us with both girls is putting the bed in a corner of the room. That way there is only one side to fall off the bed.
Can Eliot come over and teach Lucy to ride her tricycle? She has no clue!
Great seeing you last night!!
Will you please, PLEASE video tape the galloping jazz hands? I need to see this. :)
Jett's galloping too - strange!
The helmet cracks me up. Does he wear that every time?
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