Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Holiday Recap {Belated!}

To be sung like the last verse of "12 Days of Christmas"

12 fleas on Daisy
11 towels soaked in rain water (that leaked through our roof into our living and dining room),
10 times I resisted holiday dairy
9 random bug bites,
8 times I gave into holiday dairy
7 presents Eliot found before Christmas,
6 lost receipts,
5 stitches on the Guatemelon!
4 rashes due to unknown penicillin allergy,
3 hours of no electricity,
2 secrets Eliot leaked,
and a tooth falling out of my mouth...

Some things didn't go so great over the last couple weeks. Overall we had a great holiday season but we definitely hit some bumps. Can't complain though, we really had a memorable season for good reasons, too, starting back on St. Leon's Day to our post-Christmas run at the Zoo Lights.

On the way back from Arkansas all 4 of us were in the car (Daisy too!) and Eliot said, "Hey Mom and Dad? Um...I don't think Daisy likes to talk..." Clearly something we hadn't put together yet.

While in AR at Roberta's house, THE Roberta's House, we had eaten the amazing Christmas lunch and were all collected into the living room where ever you could fit. Russ' Great-Grandmother (99 years old! Hello! Look out, Willard Scott!) asked Roberta to play some Christmas carols on the piano. In a moment that is the closest to a Norman Rockwell painting that I'll ever get, we all sang along with the her. After awhile, Russ's Great grandmother started sharing stories of Christmases that she remembered and you could have heard a cheese cube drop. That filtered down to stories from his grandmother and then to his mom and her brothers. And while a good amount of the afternoon was spent hearing great memories, I do believe we were creating one.

That touchingly sentimental moment was soon crushed, though by THE GAME. Russ' extended family started playing a version of Yankee Swap/ Dirty Santa/ White elephant that should really be it's own post. They were not messing around. They started the tradition last year and I'm sure it will be a holiday favorite for as long as they're all still meeting together.

Sorry I'm behind on the holiday post! At least I got it finished! Typically it would just sit in the drafts for the next couple months til I discover it and then promptly delete any evidence of my blog failure.

Happy New Year!

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