Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Aaaaand..one MORE biggun'

Did you see this news yet? Pretty much everything you knew about the Mohr's of 2010 is not the same. Just start over.

Here's my pictoral tribute to my support system over the last 7 years (or a montage of FundiesUndies hair styles...)

The original 3...Shout out MB!

After this one, they're not in any chronological order whatsoever. Don't have the energy to figure out when each of these were!

I love these girls and the last 7 years wouldn't have been the same w/o them. It's no small task being the wife of a musician, and it's been an honor to experience it w/ them. Love you, Fundies Undies!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Seriously, Mohr family...slow down! You're making the rest of us looking boring.

I'm so glad that I got to be a part of the Fundies. You girls are amazing wives and friends. As stressful as it is to married to a touring musician, you ladies helped make it doable & totally worth it.

Praying for you guys with all the transitions & can't wait to see what Mohr Family 4.0 looks like.

(ps: I kinda miss my blonde hair!)