Thursday, July 19, 2007


This is one of those hodge podge entries! First of all, we've had some out-of-town visitors that we've been able to see since being home. A few posts ago I put up a pic of Eliot with Kirk and Debbie from CO. They just happen to be in town the week we arrived home, to our wonderful surprise. Also, greeting us at the airport was my friend and former colleague, Alicia from Utah, also in town just by chance. Then today we got a visit from my friend Amanda and her family who were coming through town on their way to family. Amanda and I are old college buddies and were in each other's weddings. We try to see each other at least once a year and have kept in better touch since we started the adoption. It didn't take Eliot long to warm up to them!

Secondly, congrats to Emily (check blog links)! She is heading home next week to Chicago with her twin girls that she's been living with in Guatemala for over 4 months now. It's an absolute miracle that she's going home so soon after so many problems. Praise God!!

Third, things are settling down here! It's amazing!! We're getting into a 'groove' here and Eliot is doing great. My favorite moment so far in the last week and a half was when Russ kept the car sitting at a stop sign because he was turned around to watch Eliot being silly. I had to remind him to keep driving, it was very cute.

Fourth, Russ's sister got to come for a quick visit last weekend to meet El-man. He definitely pulled out all the tricks for Aunt Manda!


Blessed Mommy said...

i love reading about your life at home, and ok, you've convinced me, even if it's not everyday i think i'll keep up the blog once we get home. I've loved seeing the "after" of the Mohrs and I feel I should do the same too :)

Amanda said...

I am glad you got the pictures...the internet on my laptop was acting up so I wasn't sure if they came through. I am glad that Amanda and her family came through to see you guys!!!

Can't wait to have more time with the three of you...hope to see you soon!!!

K.M.L said...

The pic of Eliot and Madison is adorable! Too cute!