Catchy yet odd. That's the name we call ourselves. Our husbands play in the Fundamental Elements together and we are their "support system", hence: Fundees Undees.
Over Labor Day weekend we all headed to Iowa and spent the weekend together at the DeJaynes home. We had such a great time! I truly love and am completely entertained by this group of women. I know it's a rare thing that a group of guy friends (or co-workers or whatever you'd call the group of band guys) would have their wives get along so well. It just doesn't seem to work that well sometimes. We even started making plans for a weekend when we all take off for a road trip together and leave the kids with the guys. I'm not sure we'd be taking the band van but we'd figure it out! Many times when Russ asks if I'm going to a show or not, the first question I have is "Are any of the FundeesUndees going?" Not that the shows aren't fun, they're just that much more fun when the girls are all there.

I'm blessed to be apart of this silly group of girls! It's not an odd thing to chat with these women about what it's like to be a band wife. They get it. We're all on the same page with this and that's always a comfort. We offer to beat up fans that are trying to flirt with each other's husbands, we create signature dance moves to go with specific songs (not usually shown to the public), we each do what it takes so our husbands can pursue their dream together.

Anyway, I just wanted to brag on these girls a little and how proud I am to be a FundeeUndee!

It helps that you have cute hair...wait, did that have anything to do with your post?! Anyhoo...I love this...there is nothing on the planet like good girlfriends..sorry, nothing!
I love these ladies!!! I had the chance not too long ago to hang out with these crazy ladies at a FE show. They are all so much fun and a little feisty!!! And, I did love to hear the banter between them talking about take some of the fans down!!! You all need to make a trip to the Mohr's when the band comes to Arkansas.
Love ya!!!
Good name for a girl band! Can you sing???????
And every one of the Fundee Undees are attractive, too. . . that band is one lucky bunch! Do you think the Fundee Undees would like th white beaches of Florida?/ our friend is really interested in checking out the possibility of having the band here. It could be fun
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