It was made by two little hands. Two perfect hands. Two brown hands.
The same two hands that offered me part of his waffle on Sunday morning when Russ told him that it was Mother's Day. The same brown hands that rise in the air when he hears his new favorite song because he wants to "dance" with me. The same little hands that search through my hair to find which earrings I'm wearing each day. And the same hands that have to sign "more" because he's giggling too much to talk. The same sweet hands that blew me a kiss after I said good night to him while he was already tucked into bed tonight.
I'm in love. I'm in love with Eliot, I'm in love with being his mom, I'm in love with the Lord for creating him and "us", and I'm in love with this painting.

What a beautiful painting!!! What a great Mother's Day story. I'm so glad you are a mom and have such a great kid!
That is just...AWESOME, Katie! Happy Mother's Day to you!!
Okay, I have to know if he did this ALL by himself! Because if he did... you might have a prodigy on your hands. I'm sure you already noticed... but there are symmetrical blue hand prints looking shapes and a heart on the top right side. Seriously, that is so cool! What symbolism!
You always bring a tear to my eye. It is the most beautiful painting I have ever seen! I hope those little brown hands are holding my little sluggy's brown hands someday :o)
Happy Happy belated Mother's Day to one of the coolest Mom's!
Beautiful painting! VERY touching post! Made me tear up! Thank you God for our little brown hands!
What a beautiful post. Happy Mother's Day!
you trying to make me cry?
What a sweet painting! Thanks for sharing. The woman who babysits for us down here told me yesterday that the Lord will bless us abundantly for adopting because of the sacrifice and responsibility we are taking on. I told her how much these babies are blessing us! Sounds like your painting was one sliver of the sweet blessings your little guy has brought you in light of the sacrifices you have made! Feliz Dia de la madre! :)
that painting is for sure, absolutely PRICELESS!!!
Katie, I love it!!! And I love him so much too!!! Thank you for being his mommy which has in turn allowed me to be his Aunt!!!
I love all three of you crazy kids!!!
Nice. Better than nice. REAL. I give thanks to God for the gift of your son for you to enjoy!
How beautiful! You always have just the right words. I have a box filled with paintings and pictures that are my most precious gifts! I wouldn't trade them for anything!
Thanks for this post. What a beautiful way to see God's blessings and glory in life's challenges. Eliot is the man!
What a special post! Love the painting. . . and I love your authenticity and real raw heart.
That is one beautiful painting and worth every bit of that 1st paragraph :)
Well said friend. The things in life we appreciate the most are the ones that have the greatest cost, and I'm not talking about the greenbacks. Hope you had the best Mother's Day ever!
The Wagners
You made me cry - again. Beautiful post and beautiful little guy! I love your heart and your determination to be a mom. You are really good at it! Much love, Tina Fleetwood and Ella
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