Eliot was supposed to be a pea pod (didn't come home on time, blah blah). Charlie was a stinkin' cute carrot. Peas and Carrots. Minus the peas.
Year 2:
The monkey and banana
Year 3:

One of my top 5 favorite Eliot pics! Do you see her desperation? Only more pronounced given his calm confidence. (that's not even close to what's really going on but man, it looks awesome!)
Lisa and I have chosen year 4. We're painfully aware that our opportunity to choose their costumes is drawing to a close so we were very particular this year. In honor of our last hoo-rah, we're hosting a contest to see who can guess the famous duo for the theme this year! The closest guess will get a fall-related basket of goodies that, trust me, YOU REALLY WANT!
The contest will last from today until August 31st at midnight. (How very official!) You may guess more than once. You may guess on our blog or Lisa's. Jake and Russ may not participate. Purchase is not required and rules are subject to change.
hmmm...Claire and Charlie? ;-)
Mickey and Minnie Mouse?
Patrick and Sponge Bob????
gumby and zorro (remember the saved by the bell episode?). just kidding. not my real guess.
uh...simba and nala. how cute would THAT be?
I have no clue...but Aunt Manda is on a NEED TO KNOW BASIS!!! I swear I won't tell anyone...not even Nana!!!
Dora and Diego? Peanut Butter and Jelly? Hotdog and ketchup? Ham and cheese? Ok, now I'm just hungry.
Eliot from ET and Drew Barrymore's character. Charlie looks so much like DB in that movie and well, Eliot is Eliot! That would be kinda hard to pull off, but don't they trick or treat in that movie??? I remember the sheet, but I can't remember if that was ET or Eliot. Ok, I must got to bed, but I'm gonna keep guessing I tell ya.
Diego and Dora?
Because I only have Star Wars on the brain as I hunt down Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda costumes, I'm going with Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker.
I have a million duos running through my head - here are my top picks
Laurel and Hardy
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers
Popeye and Olive Oil
Bonnie and Clyde
Archie and Veroncia
Sonny and Cher
Can't wait to see the cute pic from this years costumes!
shrek and princess fiona
raggedy ann and andy
fred and wilma flintstone
thing one and thing two
mario and luigi
dorothy and the tin man
peter pan and tinkerbell
marilyn monroe and elvis
thats all i got :)
Marshmallow and Campfire. That would be great! I'll keep thinking....
Tom & Jerry?
I am going to disqualify myself (this is Jake's sister Sarah) since I was there when you and Lisa were texting ideas back and forth and she was asking Jake his opinion. But I think it will be super cute, although some of these suggestions are really good too!
Chicken and Egg?
A bee & a flower? That's what M & J were a couple years ago. :)
sonny and cher?
owen and mzee (is that spelled right?!)
superman and lois lane
charlie and lola
bride and groom
apple and a worm
fried chicken and waffles (don't laugh- it's a southern thing!) :)
I just thought of another one as I was getting ready this morning and could hear the sounds of Fisher watching his favorite show. How about Handy Manny and Kelly? And don't you think they should just get together and get it over with? Everyone knows they're secretly in lo-oo-ove! ;)
Lightening McQueen and Sally
Kermit and Miss Piggy
Tarzan and Jane
Cinderella and Prince Charming
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez
Salt and Pepper (Or "Peppa" Katie :)
I thought of one this morning!
Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber from Veggie Tales!
SOnny and CHer
Seriously, I don't know why this is consuming my thoughts. :) Superman and Wonder Woman?
Doctor & Nurse?
Cat & Dog?
Sylvester & Tweety bird?
Albert Pujols & Tony LaRussa?
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