HELLO!!! Holy blogiversary!!!
...I'd like to thank the academy...
In honor of such a HUGE,MOMENTOUS occasion, I will share with you something caught on film this week.
Are you ready? You may even see this in the National Enquirer soon, that's how amazing this is. Too bad the guys from youtube couldn't make it.
Here is proof that when you're contemplating picking up that last bit of high calorie yumminess but knowing you shouldn't, there's a little man over your shoulder convincing you it's a good idea.
Be shocked and amazed. or just entertained.
But seriously? 500 posts? Who knew I had so much to say? (don't answer that) Even more amazing, there are some of you that have been reading from the beginning and it's not just my mom! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
And thanks to Lacy, my newest and only reader from Montana! It's a google analytics thing, you wouldn't understand... or maybe you would. On my analytics map (a tracker to tell me where my readers live) I have readers in 42 states. Now I only need New Mexico, Idaho, Wyoming, North and South Dakota, New Hampshire, Vermont and Delaware.
So, what do you think? My blogiversary wishlist reads like this: Have readers in all 50 states. Maybe as a blogiversary present, you can email your friends in those states and tell them to just log onto my blog once. I am not cool enough to know anyone in those states, so am needing your help. They don't even need to read anything, heck, I don't even read it half the time, just log on to the ol' blogger and type in my name. Sound good? The little guy in the sketchy hoody sitting on your shoulder thinks you should...