Have you heard of this?
If you like reading and have a bunch of books that you'd like to trade in for new reading material, you need to check this out!!
It's brilliant.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I am not the Mayan you're looking for...

You didn't know it, but he just used The Force on you.

Luke Skywalker and Darth Tyler at the FE Bonfire.

Luke and Leah. Congrats, Nicole!

I'm sure this isn't the last of the pics you'll see of Luke SkyMayan. Because of the weather, our photoshoot of the famous duo had to be taken indoors. Hopefully there's more to come!
**Blog post title stolen from Joe McGill
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
After rethinking how my post title may have come out earlier, I would like to clarify that I don't intend to harm Bonzo. I was simply referring to itemizing the interesting {or not so interesting} points.
Bullets for Bonzo
In case Bonzo is, in fact, real and reads my blog:
(or I was in the mood for alliteration.)
*FE is recording a Christmas song for Mocha Club, which got me thinking. I think Russ should record a whole Christmas Album. I wrote this as my status on FB and got an overwhelming response. What do you think?? My favorite was one comment that read, "I think the name of the album should be Gold, Frankincense and Mohr". Clever people!
*The Mayor of St. Louis visited E's pre-school last week. When we asked Eliot about it, he told us the Mayor took them to the park, went down the slide and that Aquaman came with him. Hmmmm...
*The big reveal is this week and there was a winner! Get ready!
*Read AN AMAZING book on God's will this week. Kinda blew my mind. Thinking I might write a post on it.
*Swine Flu! (No one has it at Camp Mohr, just wanted to stay relevant.)
*Cancun pics coming soon including the Mariachi Man who held me and sang, "Pretty Woman".
*Went to the second annual FE fall bonfire this weekend! I do enjoy those silly peeps and was once again so thankful that those are the ones we're tied to until further notice.

Above: the newest member to the FE fam. Below: the FEUndies!

So, what do you think about Russ+Christmas music+your personal music library?
(or I was in the mood for alliteration.)
*FE is recording a Christmas song for Mocha Club, which got me thinking. I think Russ should record a whole Christmas Album. I wrote this as my status on FB and got an overwhelming response. What do you think?? My favorite was one comment that read, "I think the name of the album should be Gold, Frankincense and Mohr". Clever people!
*The Mayor of St. Louis visited E's pre-school last week. When we asked Eliot about it, he told us the Mayor took them to the park, went down the slide and that Aquaman came with him. Hmmmm...
*The big reveal is this week and there was a winner! Get ready!
*Read AN AMAZING book on God's will this week. Kinda blew my mind. Thinking I might write a post on it.
*Swine Flu! (No one has it at Camp Mohr, just wanted to stay relevant.)
*Cancun pics coming soon including the Mariachi Man who held me and sang, "Pretty Woman".
*Went to the second annual FE fall bonfire this weekend! I do enjoy those silly peeps and was once again so thankful that those are the ones we're tied to until further notice.

Above: the newest member to the FE fam. Below: the FEUndies!

So, what do you think about Russ+Christmas music+your personal music library?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
El Libro
(The Book)
I feel like I've used that post title too many times before, so I thought if I wrote it in spanish it might mix things up a bit.
There's been some questions lately from people in my world that I thought should already know what's going on with the book. Apparently I'm a little elusive on the details. Lemme shake it down for ya:
I'm writing a book.
A memoir. Of our journey from infertility 6+ years to a crazy adoption.
I have no experience other than teaching 3rd and 4th graders how to write a seriously rockin' 5 paragraph paper. And writing a blog. That totally qualifies me, right? Not many people write blogs. {Chuckle, chuckle}
I started writing while still in Guatemala. If you're keeping track, that was over 2 years ago.
I'm almost to chapter 30.
My goal in writing it is twenty-fold. To document our journey for me, for eliot. To finish something I started. To put one more pro-adoption thing out in the world. To tell our story. To finally start eating dairy as much as I want. To give people a peak into the reality of two difficult seasons, etc.
I've been reading memoirs, adoption and otherwise, like they're a sale on earrings at Forever 21. (Hopefully the book is better than that analogy.)
I've written a book proposal and when I get the nerve, will submit it to agents. There's actually research and stuff involved. I have a couple of "connections" to agents but will probably send it to as many as I can. Once I pick one (or get picked) they will then market it to publishers. In an ideal world.
The other option is self-publishing. Still getting info on that.
Already have a title and a cover made by some guy at ArtInStereo.
I already have one unofficial editor who is way smarter than me and whose ideas I already value like crazy.
Anyway, there's a start. Feel free to ask me questions I may not have answered in this little shake down.
You guys are awesome.
I feel like I've used that post title too many times before, so I thought if I wrote it in spanish it might mix things up a bit.
There's been some questions lately from people in my world that I thought should already know what's going on with the book. Apparently I'm a little elusive on the details. Lemme shake it down for ya:
I'm writing a book.
A memoir. Of our journey from infertility 6+ years to a crazy adoption.
I have no experience other than teaching 3rd and 4th graders how to write a seriously rockin' 5 paragraph paper. And writing a blog. That totally qualifies me, right? Not many people write blogs. {Chuckle, chuckle}
I started writing while still in Guatemala. If you're keeping track, that was over 2 years ago.
I'm almost to chapter 30.
My goal in writing it is twenty-fold. To document our journey for me, for eliot. To finish something I started. To put one more pro-adoption thing out in the world. To tell our story. To finally start eating dairy as much as I want. To give people a peak into the reality of two difficult seasons, etc.
I've been reading memoirs, adoption and otherwise, like they're a sale on earrings at Forever 21. (Hopefully the book is better than that analogy.)
I've written a book proposal and when I get the nerve, will submit it to agents. There's actually research and stuff involved. I have a couple of "connections" to agents but will probably send it to as many as I can. Once I pick one (or get picked) they will then market it to publishers. In an ideal world.
The other option is self-publishing. Still getting info on that.
Already have a title and a cover made by some guy at ArtInStereo.
I already have one unofficial editor who is way smarter than me and whose ideas I already value like crazy.
Anyway, there's a start. Feel free to ask me questions I may not have answered in this little shake down.
You guys are awesome.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Russ sent me a text this morning that read:
While putting coins in his piggy bank, Eliot said, "These are for Target".
I have succeeded in all things parenting.
While putting coins in his piggy bank, Eliot said, "These are for Target".
I have succeeded in all things parenting.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
If anyone needs me...
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
In the spirit of a 'mommy fail' discussion started yesterday, I'd like to just get it out there that we sometimes eat at McDonalds.
This isn't about how we're all slowly killing ourselves, which I'm fully aware of. I do not support nor un-support the purchase or consumption of any fast food including but not limited to said McD's. Back to the topic: lots of us eat there, but how many of us play the McNopoly game? Every year I throw the little pieces away since we don't eat there enough to even bother.
So, I've run this idea by my handsome sounding board and he dug it. However, at the risk of sounding dumb, I'll share it with you since it won't work if I don't.
Here's the idea: I will start a master game board w/ the couple pieces I have. Instead of us all throwing the pieces away, save it and email me w/ which one you have. I'll mark it off the board w/ your name and contact info. Our chances have to increase if we all join together right? (I promise I'm not just sitting around doing nothing, this is just an idea that I had last year that I never posted.)
So, if we win something, those who's pieces won, get to split the $$. What does everyone think?? This is one of those moments where it seems kinda dumb until we win money and then it seems brilliant! Anyone in?? Pray about it and get back to me.
This isn't about how we're all slowly killing ourselves, which I'm fully aware of. I do not support nor un-support the purchase or consumption of any fast food including but not limited to said McD's. Back to the topic: lots of us eat there, but how many of us play the McNopoly game? Every year I throw the little pieces away since we don't eat there enough to even bother.
So, I've run this idea by my handsome sounding board and he dug it. However, at the risk of sounding dumb, I'll share it with you since it won't work if I don't.
Here's the idea: I will start a master game board w/ the couple pieces I have. Instead of us all throwing the pieces away, save it and email me w/ which one you have. I'll mark it off the board w/ your name and contact info. Our chances have to increase if we all join together right? (I promise I'm not just sitting around doing nothing, this is just an idea that I had last year that I never posted.)
So, if we win something, those who's pieces won, get to split the $$. What does everyone think?? This is one of those moments where it seems kinda dumb until we win money and then it seems brilliant! Anyone in?? Pray about it and get back to me.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
This post idea has been rattling around in the brain for a few months now. Over the summer I heard someone say they quit reading a mutual friends blog because she always looked like she had it all together, life was dandy, nothin' to see here except shiny happy people holding hands. Those weren't her exact words but you get it. It got me thinking. I'm sure we all do it to some degree.
While at the pumpkin patch with friends we rarely see, we noticed them laughing after watching us attempt to take a pic of Eliot. They made jokes about how after seeing all the cute pics of him we have, they thought he walked around posing perfectly for pics. Then after I posted some of our patch pics on facebook, one of my friends even commented this: "It must be so fun to photograph such a good-looking kid! So stinkin' cute in all of these!!"
Well, let's see...

Take 347? Nope.

And take 2931. Nope.
So, yeah...let's just set the record straight. Eliot is just like every other 3 year old. We take hundreds of pics hoping for 2-4 good ones. The digital camera was created by a parent, I'm sure of it.
We certainly don't have everything figured out as parents, and for sure not in marriage. Everyday life can get pretty stressful around here with all we have on our plates and I'm not even talking about how often Russ wrestles a block of cheese out of my hands. But I rarely post about that stuff. I should more often, even just for myself, but also for you. While some unhealthy part of me really wants you to think I have it all together, the reality is pretty much the opposite.
Some blog examples? 90% of gymnastics so far has looked like this:

But that's not what I led you to think, and the five minutes he actually participated I bossed Lisa around making her take a million pics.
And that cute little chocolate chip? Believe it or not, he spends a good amount of time like this:

That's a time-out. At the pumpkin patch. The place of utopia-like paradise for a 3 year old. And don't fall for the brown face of innocence, he deserved it and more, frankly.
So, don't be deceived. Things are not all sunflowers and bubbles around here. More like bubblewrap. (As usual, I'm not sure what that means.) We're pretty much making up this parenthood thing as we go, I fail daily at wife-hood, I consistently drop the ball in friendships, I can't stop drinking soda and I would like to take this opportunity to admit publicly that I don't know the last time I mopped the floor. (Let me think...how long have we lived in this new place?)
And while I'm admitting stuff, if you were in the stack that didn't receive a thank you card from our wedding 11 years ago, please know that we really were thankful for those _____ that you gave us.
In conclusion, know that we're not as polished this here blog may suggest and may need to throw in a few more 'keepin it real' posts. Oh, and, don't eat anything off my floors.
While at the pumpkin patch with friends we rarely see, we noticed them laughing after watching us attempt to take a pic of Eliot. They made jokes about how after seeing all the cute pics of him we have, they thought he walked around posing perfectly for pics. Then after I posted some of our patch pics on facebook, one of my friends even commented this: "It must be so fun to photograph such a good-looking kid! So stinkin' cute in all of these!!"
Well, let's see...

Take 347? Nope.

And take 2931. Nope.
So, yeah...let's just set the record straight. Eliot is just like every other 3 year old. We take hundreds of pics hoping for 2-4 good ones. The digital camera was created by a parent, I'm sure of it.
We certainly don't have everything figured out as parents, and for sure not in marriage. Everyday life can get pretty stressful around here with all we have on our plates and I'm not even talking about how often Russ wrestles a block of cheese out of my hands. But I rarely post about that stuff. I should more often, even just for myself, but also for you. While some unhealthy part of me really wants you to think I have it all together, the reality is pretty much the opposite.
Some blog examples? 90% of gymnastics so far has looked like this:

But that's not what I led you to think, and the five minutes he actually participated I bossed Lisa around making her take a million pics.
And that cute little chocolate chip? Believe it or not, he spends a good amount of time like this:

That's a time-out. At the pumpkin patch. The place of utopia-like paradise for a 3 year old. And don't fall for the brown face of innocence, he deserved it and more, frankly.
So, don't be deceived. Things are not all sunflowers and bubbles around here. More like bubblewrap. (As usual, I'm not sure what that means.) We're pretty much making up this parenthood thing as we go, I fail daily at wife-hood, I consistently drop the ball in friendships, I can't stop drinking soda and I would like to take this opportunity to admit publicly that I don't know the last time I mopped the floor. (Let me think...how long have we lived in this new place?)
And while I'm admitting stuff, if you were in the stack that didn't receive a thank you card from our wedding 11 years ago, please know that we really were thankful for those _____ that you gave us.
In conclusion, know that we're not as polished this here blog may suggest and may need to throw in a few more 'keepin it real' posts. Oh, and, don't eat anything off my floors.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The race!
Starting my full-time job brought on some sacrifices, one of them being an additional obstacle to my running schedule. I could have made myself do it, but that would mean sacrificing time from something (or someone) else and I just couldn't do it. I ran off and on during the last 14 weeks but nothing consistent like you're supposed to when training for a half-marathon.
Several weeks ago, I made the decision to let myself off the hook and just sign up for the 10K even though my girls would be completing our original team goal of 13.1 miles. We drove Friday night to Columbia and woke up Saturday to thunderstorms and a chilly breeze. Not exactly ideal running conditions but there's not much you can do.

The girls starting the half!

My skills w/ our *new* camera aren't so great as you can tell. Either that or they were all running so fast it was impossible to catch. You decide. That's them on the very left, green and blue shorts.
My 10K started 15 minutes after they were gone. I enjoy running alone but was disappointed I wasn't able to at least start w/ my team! It rained 99% of the run. Some of that was actually pretty refreshing. There's something kinda cleansing about running by yourself on the trail in the rain for a long time.
Eliot keeps telling people that I won since I came in before the girls. I'm thankful he doesn't understand 6.2 vs. 13.1 yet. I'll take it!
Here's the "after" pic. I'm so proud of my girls! They each worked really hard for this and stuck it out together! Great job, girls!!
Several weeks ago, I made the decision to let myself off the hook and just sign up for the 10K even though my girls would be completing our original team goal of 13.1 miles. We drove Friday night to Columbia and woke up Saturday to thunderstorms and a chilly breeze. Not exactly ideal running conditions but there's not much you can do.

The girls starting the half!

My skills w/ our *new* camera aren't so great as you can tell. Either that or they were all running so fast it was impossible to catch. You decide. That's them on the very left, green and blue shorts.
My 10K started 15 minutes after they were gone. I enjoy running alone but was disappointed I wasn't able to at least start w/ my team! It rained 99% of the run. Some of that was actually pretty refreshing. There's something kinda cleansing about running by yourself on the trail in the rain for a long time.
Eliot keeps telling people that I won since I came in before the girls. I'm thankful he doesn't understand 6.2 vs. 13.1 yet. I'll take it!
Here's the "after" pic. I'm so proud of my girls! They each worked really hard for this and stuck it out together! Great job, girls!!

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