Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dream big! Er...somethin'...

I can safely say that the goals I made for 2012 weren't met. Not even close. However, progress was made and all in the home are happy and healthy so we're good.

With Russ settling in nicely to his new job, Dez getting more independent and Eliot rocking first grade I feel like 2013 has lots of potential.

I'm shooting big, peeps. Stealing/copying an idea from a friend (best copycat wins, remember?) I've set 12 goals for 2013. Some are on-going, some are one time shots. I'm hoping to be able to check one off a month. Realistically if I hit 6/12, I'm happy. Feel free to ask me how it's going throughout the year. Unless I look angry, then just tell me a funny joke and move on...

(Side note: posting this from my phone since my laptop is unwilling to help. Hope it looks okay...)


Rebecca said...

Those sound like great, doable goals! Yah for quilt making!

I might steal the iPhone list idear...

Wynne Elder said...

Love!! Writing or reading s book? And whatcha thinking about your tat? :)