Monday, November 8, 2010


Pray for Madi

The blog listed above was set up for updates and to give people an opportunity to give toward Melissa and Scott's medical bills, extra food expenses, etc. Madi's body has responded well so far to the heavy antibiotics which is the main prayer request at this time.

Kelsey (author of the new blog) gave the quick version of their story. Those of you that aren't familiar with their story, take a few minutes to go read it. I met Mel while we were both living in Guatemala waiting for permission to take our kiddos home. After less than 8 months, I was given that gift. Mel's been there almost 4 years and is still fervently praying for that news.

Pray hard for Madi. Write it on your wrist, put a post-it on your fridge, your computer, your wallet, whatever.

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