Not totally sure of the objective of the activity, we tried out Muffin Tin Monday. I think the point is to mix up the regular hum-drum of lunch, so you spread it out in a muffin tin. The only tin I have has twelve spaces and that could hold a lot of food, so I made a few doubles, only putting a little in each. Check it out:

(Contents: chicken nugget, goldfish-from the garden, peas, strawberries, raisins, edamame, applesauce and apple slices, peanut butter-for dipping apple slices. No, I don't have a goldfish garden, but when reading other mom's blogs, they're always pulling fresh veggies from their gardens with their kids. I can't do it all, so I'll just pretend.)
When I put this baby-buffet in front of E, I was reminded of how fun it is to watch a toddler process through new things. He recognized all of his food but it was in little cups. He kept looking at me like, "What is going on here?"
Some Eliot observations during lunch: since things started separate, they were to remain separate. When a raisin fell in the fish or the apple in the strawberries, they were immediately removed and put safely back into their respective cups. He also figured me out with spreading things out and put all the raisins into one cup instead of two and used his spoon to move the applesauce into one cup. And in true boy fashion, he figured out he could spin his "plate" to get to new food.
In other news: Yes, Eliot has officially had peanut butter. I waited as long as I could! He loves it!!!! Woo-hoo!

And in other, other news: We went on a blue hunt!! Eliot is really stuck on green still, which was the motivation to have our focus move onto blue. He was feeling a little more feisty today so the pics aren't very good. And apparently, Daisy wanted to get in on the action...