When did this happen? And why am I still wearing the same tank top?

Today is Eliot's birthday. He's spent the last hour+ in his room listening to a mix CD we made him. It delights me. He loves music and we had fun putting it together for him.
He's three. While I realize he's not exactly getting his learners permit this week, it's a big deal. I've started noticing toys that need to be boxed up and sent to the basement, baby toys. He's over them and onto all his sports equipment, etc. Yesterday he threw a line drive straight into my mitt that startled me. His vocabulary is growing daily.
While I miss our "baby" I'm loving this stage (apart from the times where Captain Destructo shows up...) I'm so proud of him and who he's becoming. So much so that I wish I could take credit for it. He never ceases to be the most amazing blessing. Looking for old pics, I read this blog again this morning. I can't say it any better than I already have.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Peanut. We love you more than you could know or understand.
Katie - Have enjoyed reading your thoughts, ponderings and humurous musings as you journey through this season with a 3 year old. Glad you all are doing so well --- Blessings, Leslie Fox
Happy happy birthday to a very special little boy! I don't know how time has whizzed by so fast. We miss you guys and think of you often. Have a fun day.
Nikki & Gabi xxx
A very happy birthday to Eliot. You can put it all together so perfectly. I love your sentimental heart and that you never hesitate to share the details with us. You think it can't possibly get any better but I have good news for you. There are so many surprises hiding around future corners. For now enjoy year three. Load and loads of love.....and kisses to Eliot.
Happy Birthday to my favorite little man!!! I wish I could be there to have an Aunt Manda Day but I promise next time we are together I will take you for some Chicken Nuggs or PizzaPizzaPizza!!! Just our special date.
I love you and thank God everyday that He places you in our family.
-Aunt Manda
Happy Birthday Eliot! You are one amazing kid!
HAPPY HAPPY birthday to your sweet boy! when did they all turn 3?!?!?
Happy belated birthday Eliot! Your party looked like a blast. I'm sure you and your mom and dad had fun! :)
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