Now, let me backup. If you have been following my blog since the beginning of time you're aware of my crazy, and dear, friend Beth. About a month ago I get a text from her saying that I am to have no plans for Saturday June 6th because I'm running a 5k. Well, that sounds all good and nice except for the fact that I don't run. Anymore. There was a time long long ago that I would call myself "a runner" and got a couple half-marathons under my belt. I even have a Christmas ornament that reads "Runner Chick" that clearly makes me legit. About once every other month, I raise my hands and recommit myself and after about 2 runs, I see something shiny and forget. When I get really serious, I look up official races online.
Somewhere along the line, Beth casually mentioned that it's a fundraiser for the USO. Oh crap. That means I really have to do it. Beth wanted to do it to honor her brother and I couldn't be more behind her on this. (If you don't know about her amazing brother, Capt. Erick Foster, click here.) Although, I thought maybe we could just gather stockings again instead. Christmas in July? Anyone? No one?
So, Beth gets us all signed up as a 5-man team and emails us the website. The first thing I notice is a warning to use "industrial duct tape" to attach your shoes to your pants. Huh? Then they recommend training by running in a lake or pond and then go running for a few miles to figure out what kind of clothing to wear.
We joked about how they create this idea online and it's really just a regular run but they want to see how serious people take it and how stupid they look running around in clothes all duct-taped up. But, oh no, they couldn't have been more right on. If I'd not mentioned it before, this was a "mud run". That duct tape is the only reason I'm here typing today.
(Can you tell I was worried that Jon wasn't capturing the duct tape? Could someone please help me to not be so absolutely awkward in life?)
There were mud pits. There were swamp-like sections that were at least thigh-high. Mud pits that you had to army crawl through in order to keep going. And running. Lots and lots of running. Running over sand. Tall grass. Straw. Gravel. Oh, and what do mud and straw make when mixed together? Oh yeah..bricks. Example A: See Heather's shoes:
Team Muddy Buddies (or Run Together, Die Alone) after we'd been partially hosed off by a huge fire hose at the end of the run.
Also pictured is Beth's sister Abby's team. These girls placed second out of 16 all-women teams. Let's not talk about our placement...
While I may seem a bit dramatic about my experience, it was so absolutely fun. We are already making plans to do it again next year with lots more of our friends. If you're not in the STL area, look up the USO in your area. I think they have them other places. Obviously, a great cause and a fun way to join in.
I am so glad you put up pictures of that because ever since you told me about it I have been waiting to be entertained by the true stories ;)
This post had me laughing out loud! Your stories and perspective are too funny! Glad you guys had fun and finished. I'm impressed! :) Hope you are doing well. Talk to you soon!
I am SOLD!!!!! That looks absolutely amazing, however, I fear that I would swallow much mud while laughing hysterically. Post a heads up for 2010!
Are you kidding me with that first picture of your mud run! Duct tape is a surprisingly great look for you! I bet you wore tapered stirrup pants in the mid 90's and looked hot. Your awkwardness makes my life a happier place, don't change!
Are you kidding me with that first picture of your mud run? That's hilarious! You look suprisingly good in tapered duct tape pants, I bet you wore stirrup pants in the 90's and looked just as great...Be awkward, don't change.
this totally cracked me up - i needed a laugh this morning! and great job on the 5k!
Totally with you on the stockings. Not so much with the mud. Duct tape & crew necks, I'll forever think duct tape & crew necks when I think of you now... LOL!
We are DEFINITELY in for next year!! Heather told me about it a couple of days before, but my inlaws were visiting. We already have our team of 5 ready, so just let me know next year! We're ready to get dirty and win! :)
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