Eliot took quite the tumble yesterday. All the way down the stairs. Not just a small, carpeted stair case into a pool of jello as one would hope, but down an entire wooden stair case onto the concrete basement floor. And of course it happened the moment my mouth closed after just saying, "Eliot, don't go near those stairs."
Before you call DFS, please understand a little history. Eliot sits on the top step every time one of us goes to the basement. He stays there and talks to us while we switch the laundry or whatever. He's also on the cusp of a growth spurt (eating us out of house and home, sleeping way more than normal) which also includes getting clumsier. We're assuming he went to sit as usual and his body got ahead of himself.

When I came around the corner he was lying on the basement floor screaming. Which is a good thing according to a lot of people! Screaming equals consciousness! He clung to Russ' neck and just cried and cried and kept saying "I fall" and "ouch." Then he declared that he needed a snack. He could have had an entire ice cream truck had one been available as far as I'm concerned.

Today he woke up and asked for "Mecine" and seemed a little sore. Russ keeps calling him Slinky. I keep squeezing him harder than normal while trying to push out the "What if he'd..." possibilities that inevitably come to any parent's mind. The Lord is good. This could be a much different post this morning.
There are so many things that could have gone wrong that we're not ruling out super powers. Like watching the pilot episode of Heros or the beginning shot of the original Superman movie. We'll let you know if he lifts any cars off of hurting people today.
Save the Slinky, save the world?
I'm so glad he's okay! The same thing happened to Lucy not too long ago! It is very scary!!
YIKES!!! You need to put a picture up so I can see his little black eye from the fall!!!!It could have been a lot worse and I am very thankful that he did not have anything worse than soreness.
Oh my goodness! I'm glad he's ok!!!!
poor boy -- so glad he's ok!
Oh bless his little heart! That is just so scary! Did your heart stop? I'm glad he is fine.
Can I just say, be prepared for more? Have I told you about the time my boys rode down the stairs in a laundry basket? Crazy kids.
You crack me up, glad he's ok and don't worry, we've got a slinky on our hands as well!
Thank goodness he's okay!!! :) Aren't kids scary sometimes!!! :)
Too bad we just can't keep them in a little protective bubble!
So glad he's ok!! those stairs look like they HURT!!!
I'm glad he is ok. When Jackson was that age I threatened to wrap him in bubble wrap! In the 2 weeks before his third birthday he got hit in the head with a metal baseball bat, fell on the stairs and bit through his bottom lip and then fell down on the neighbors driveway and skinned his face from his already bruised forehead down to his chin. I was terrified DFS was coming for him!
oh my gosh! I'm glad he's okay....I'm glad you're okay!!
Heart attack city! I'm glad he's ok. Kiss his cute little face for me!
Love, love, love the Heroes reference...
So glad he's ok. The 'what if's' can make you crazy. I love how you always make your stories so amusing too!
I believe your son needs a batman utility belt. Then he could have easily swung himself to safety...
Tell him to rub some dirt on it! Just kidding.... glad he's alright.
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