Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bits of my weekend, vol 6

I hate to disappoint, but this weekend was pretty much a dud. I was sick Thursday and Friday, Russ was out of town Friday and Saturday.

Eliot took this pic of Russ and I talking. He was talking me into using the nasal spray I got from the doctor. Long story, but this nasal spray may just save our marriage.

Trip to the Farmers Market!

Daisy got a haircut!

While I took out my winter clothes from the closet and made a second stack of giveaway clothes, Eliot was doing this:

He would hit the frog on the floor until it played his favorite song, then he would dart to the dresser to the microphone and sing along while playing the guitar.

**Also note the band-aid on the back of the head. He bumped his head on something and insisted a band-aid was the only thing that would make it better.

So, funny story. Walking into church one of my flip flops broke. I stayed barefoot all morning but when we went to our regular lunch spots, I put the whole one on. Halfway to our table, Russ accidentally stepped on the back of the second one, breaking that one!

4 words: Livin'.on.the.edge.

Headed to TG park where Russ is the newest member of The Grass Kickers kickball team. Look out.

We ended our weekend reading in bed, windows open, AMAZING breeze and gorgeous night!

This week should be a new and exciting chapter for the blog! I'll explain later!

For more (exciting) Bits of My Weekends from around the country, go here.

1 comment:

amanda said...

Oh my gosh that picture of Daisy cracked my stuff up. haha I love her but she looks slightly ridiculous in that picture.