Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Post 4: Your Homework

There's SO MUCH out there via blogs on people's stories and experiences with this. I thought I'd share the wealth. By the way, I don't link stuff unless it's legit, people. I'm a link snob. Take comfort in this knowledge and press onward.

Katie (my *facebook* friend, yeah, we're totally so tight) wrote on the transformation of a boy returned to his family.

Jeff (old friend from high school) wrote on getting THE CALL.

Stuff Christians Like wrote on name vs. number.

The Armstrongs are living our life, only west by about 4 hours. Seriously, it's creepy. On this post, Emily writes about making a tough decision about THE CALL.

Amy writes in her new blog about strength in this journey. Can't wait to read more!

Also, I've added Grown in my heart to the good ol' reader and am intrigued by all the different posts so far. You should check it out.


Armstrong's said...

Loved the links! It is nice to hear other people's fostering stories. Seems like there is a plethora of adoptive family blogs out there, but not as much about fostering (which makes sense since you can't say much about the kids, etc.)! Gracias!

Pickel said...

Thanks for the link to the reader! Hope you enjoy ALL of our postings.